Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Sharing a letter about receiving guidance from God

I wrote this letter as a reply to a client / student's questions about our session geared toward her purpose. It felt like I should share it:

You are a treasure! Remember that in each moment, your purpose is to be connected to the Divine and allowing that to express in the highest possible way in each moment even if it is new.. 

"Here I Am Lord." or "What now God." Are some of my mantras to make sure I stay present to God's Omnipresent and ever changing guidance..
I actually went to Unity classes and got over 25 credits in less than a year which is unheard of.. then suddenly just like that, there weren't any classes available to me and I knew that when before, God wanted me to be a unity minister, it had then changed or delayed.. I said, "what now god?" And I was told to study a new path of energy healing and focus on it.. although God probably never intended for me to be a Unity Minister, God told me what to do for the moment in order to get me to where I am meant to be as I unfold ans become more and more United with Him and His Will.. from where we are now, we may get extremely overwhelmed to know the whole plan, or the greatness God will draw out of us. God meets us where we are to bring us along our path and guides us in ways we can hear. It's incredible! Also, to make sure we are in constant communion and reliance upon God, we cannot know the full plan.. the reigns are notnours, and we are never meant to do One single thing alone, without God. So heed to the calls from the Lord and know that it will probably change from what you thought was your path, but God always knows best and guides you with Care. 

I have again moved away from that particular energy healing but had so much to gain from it, internally and personally that anything else may not have been able to reach me at that point. 

When you are praying to God, say something from your heart with the willingness and effect of being open and willing to connect directly with God to receive your answers and to feel safe in doing so. That you are willing to see God's will for you and see Who you are when you follow God's highest will for you. 

Love surrounds you, 
Kristen Tenpenny

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Choosing What You Are

Let Love and Truth lighten your load!

You've heard "you are what you eat" & it's obvious sometimes that "you are who you spend time with" but you are also what you wear and buy..
Everything that comes into our energys field / auras leaves an impression and changes our DNA -- for better or for worse.
It's important then to know the origins and intentions of what you are eating, who you are spending time with, and what you are wearing and buying.. inviting into your being to unify with! It may sound intense, but the metaphysicians have already documented this phenomenon explained far beyond his time by Einstein.
I invite you to bring Mindfulness and conscious awareness to as many daily actions and receptivity as possible. Choose Who you are.

This is why I only went with the best possible products made in America, by a Divinely gifyed and jnspired Designer, created with fairness and eco-friendly productions, vegetable based inks and high quality materials to represent my beloved Satya Prema Ethereal Arts and leave a lasting positive impact on as many people as possible.

The shop is up and actively supporting a healthy and loving lifestyle United with God.

Love surrounds you,
Kristen Tenpenny

Friday, March 16, 2018

Innocence with Cautious Wisdom through spirituality and exploration

It's good to be open!!
To what you choose to be open to.. And sometimes, many times, people are led astray into trusting those that glitter and say what they want to hear.

I've had a few incidents in my own spiritual journey and self discovery that I am grateful I was able to get out of as an example.. beyond psychic attack, curses, genetic pass downs, waywards, fallen angels, demons and so on which are clearly deviant and unwanted, and that can all be learned to prevent and transform as I have had much practice in doing.. some things are disguised as good to trick us into accepting..

This topic has been coming up a lot lately with my own personal visions, conversations with God, and in conversations with people I've interacted with on many levels.

Not all healers/ shamans/ guides/ angels/ fairies/ spiritual communications are of God/ the highest vibrarion, purity, and without ulterior motives..

Every time I have sat to receive a blessing or prayer from anyone, I connect with God directly myself and pray for it to be of God, blessed, and healthful without any harm or anything less than God allowed..

I didn't consciously know how important this was until I had a vision of an impairing implant I removed out of myself and had a vision of the damage it was causing and when it was implanted. I was at a psychic fair (which I don't usually go to anyways), many many years ago, and I went to a healer (that I wasn't drawn to anyways) BUT, she had a HUGE slab of selenite to lay on. I went to receive a session to be able to lay on her selenite table (selenite cleanses without ever needing to be cleansed)! The moment the implant was placed in my mind, she put her hands on my head and said something that made my open to her guides, "they said you are the heart star child." Sometimes they know what you are working on, wondering, or what your weaknesses are that would allow them to sneak in.

I was able to remove the web they implanted but it took me years to even be aware of it and the strange distance they were trying to cause between myself and my family.

All gifts that seem Godly intended, claimed, or exciting may not be of God either!

This beautiful woman from a health fest came up to me and congratulated me on the beautiful work I was doing.. she said her work was all about Source (so rare that I rarely allpw others to dp energy work or blessings on me, because of this knowing). I was so excited to hear she put "Source" first and thought she was truly genuine, and maybe in her mind she was! Then she and her husband gave me a copper pyramid to test out and use. She really encouraged me to use them with my singing bowls.

I thought it was so neat and divine.. it must be? So I brought it home. I noticed that every day went by, I never opened it or used it! She texted me daily to see how I felt about it.. I felt bad responding that I hadn't tried it yet.

Next, a good friend I respect as a healer contacted me about watching a live Oneness blessing given though a man's eyes.. I decided I'd try both out at the same time. Once I opened the pyramid and faced it True North as instructed I had negative feelings but continued with my exploration to meditate and heal.

Shortly after, my good healer friend asked what I thought of the oneness blessing man.. well the holy spirit has intervened for me so many times, including this one. The video froze and wouldn't play for me but I did see him and his eyes and knew he was not for me. I told her I didn't feel anything and sent a picture Of myself with my Amma blanket and under the pyramid. She immediately responded she didn't think I was supossed to use the pyramid. Something I forgot to even ask about!

It is so so so important to ask God for guidance about EVERYTHING that comes our way!

It was true that I was not supossed to use the pyramid.. (nor the man pictured)... Once I asked about the pyramid and got a flood of information. That there are many people being downloaded with information from malicious beings that were having them build pyramids to open portals of negativity. These people think they are connecting to Divine or good spirits just because they are getting clear messages and it feels energetic.. But that is not the case. Please connect directly to God and ask: "Is this pure? Is this of Love? Is this of God? What is the intention behind this?"

I closed the negative portal and reversed and took away the effects it did have for the moments it was open, and commanded that which would be intended for evil, be used for good by God! We have command over this dimension. So we can surrender anything we are aware of to transorm and change to be of Pure Love.

Also, be careful about who blesses and touches you.. always pray for guidance to be of God and the people who come to you be of God and their "blessings" and intentions be of God.

I met a powerful Chinese Medicine and Qigong practitioner who was finally able to confirm what was going on with my physical body and give a solution after many other misdiagnosis by other practitioners..
We spoke so much about our experiences and encounters that brought us to the here and now.

One thing that came up was that people from the Oneness Blessing were preaching a lot of great things but implanting a contract with a demon into its receivers! When he told me his experince and Truth I knew it was true but had a very different personal experince with the 2 encounters of Oneness blessing I'd had.. I was shown what made me unable to be entered by demonic forces was the fact that I prayed to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit the whole time of receiving!

I still remembered such a positive experience from a local monk who did the Oneness Blessing with his eyes gazing over the crowd through the church service I attended. His eyes were so holy, pure, full of the Holy Spirit and bright blue. With curiosity about him and how he could've left such a positive and loving lasting impression despite the associations, I went to bed.

The next morning I woke up with a follow request from that exact monk! I only remembered his name by seeing it at that moment! Here was my chance to directly ask God if this man was of God.. I got a "no." I clicked his website to get a closer look and his eyes were pitch black and dark with a sinister energy. I couldn't believe it! But Jesus quickly entered my consciousness to explain that it was his eyes I had seen and felt blanket over me and the congregation that day! He protected us because we had gathered at the Unity church for oneness with HIM!

There are so many instances of having been loved and protected beyond my own knowing..

Yet, as I become aware of the infinite Universe and it's many beings of all paths I leave you with a reminder, always ask for The Highest Good to be in everything you think, see, feel, do, receive, experience, eat, or drink! And so it shall be! You don't have to see beyond the veils into the spiritual dimensions to be effected by them, but your power is truly in your own, taking it!

One of my best friends always quotes the bible: "Be innocent like a dove but as wise as a serpent."

Love surrounds you,
Kristen Tenpenny

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Miracles in time

I'll share A few instantaneously answered prayers of the week:

I pray that each of us have clarity and alignment on your desires to pray for and that you may experince the answers in and for The Highest Good in Divine Time :)

I went into my dark closet for a six-hour silent meditation on Saturday. It was invigorating, inspiring, purifying and exactly what I needed. I will share one funny cute story about it. In the beginning I asked God to feed me because I did not want to break for a lunch break. So I saw felt smelled and tasted an orange slice then after some amazing visions and clarity I've was given an avocado with a sprig of Dill was shown to me. Shortly after that vision my partner comes knocking on the closet door opens it and asks me if I want an orange slice. I held my hand out and I received (in silent amazement). Another hour later she showed up with smashed avocado and dill ;)

At the group sound healing last night (at the BEAUTIFUL Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales, Fl) some fun things happened. I prayed that nobody snore during the class since in the past it has Disturbed many. Then I noticed that my stick on the handle clang into the crystal bowl a couple of times and that would definitely keep people awake but it's not very enjoyable. So I clarified my prayer and I said God, please have nobody snore but without me making any mistakes and while it being pleasurable , healthful and memorably enjoyable. Nobody snored during the class at all and multiple people came up to me and specifically said it was so "enjoyable".

Also, while I was praying for cleansing of the heart chakras for everyone simultaneously playing the heart chakra Anciebt Tibetan Singing Bowl; There was a couple in front of me: the woman was laying down with her head toward the Bowls lying on her back and the man was sitting straight up facing me. After praying for anything blocking us from receiving love to be removed he visibly started stretching his shoulders and then he turned over and laid down on his back next to his girlfriend and held her hand and I started praying for generative love.

After class, all of the attendees came up to ask questions and see the bowls close up I told them that it was funny that many people were fidgeting while I was cleansing and amplifying the third eye and I explained that I pray while I'm playing for cleansing and then I pray to invoke beautiful things after the cleansing. They looked very curious so I said an example was during the third eye opening I prayed for them to be able to sense the Holy Spirit and their eyes lit up with excitement and they said: "I felt the Holy Spirit! :-) I opened up to and since to the Holy Spirit! Which I have also been praying to be able to do."

So fun I was inspired to share..

Helpful visualization to get in touch with your Soul's wants before praying specifics:

Tap into how you want to feel and feel it before you need anything to make you feel that way.. thinking about feeling peaceful, loved, respected, and with plenty of time for your needs to be met at work and at home. Keep yourself from thinking about how it's not, your past reality does not need to create your future reality but you must practice the discipline in creating your own feelings and vibrations first.


Love surrounds you,
Kristen Tenpenny