This has been an ongoing plan for over 50 years.. and it's worked so far.
It's not so simple as boring Republican or Democratic. This entire system has failed us and every President in the last 50 or 60 years has contributed to the oppression and increased poverty of this country by being bought.
This is a very informative and well done film! Cool to see where the country started losing control..
Stealing from the poor to give to the rich, God prevails in the end.
*GMO foods and pesiticides/ (poisons in the food and water, despite it saying organic on the label - Obama signed a protective bill for Monsanto that no matter who they kill with their foods and seeds, they would not be punished),
*Oil and Fossil Fuels (the least efficient and most expensive way to energize.. the Bush's, Obama, and Trump all ensuring the access and control over oil drilling and although they promised energy efficient and green implementation- none have followed through and have kept the oil companies thriving while saying they are doing it for our safety),
*Banks (Bush took away Seagall bill which protected the money you all have in banks from being gambled and traded with by Wall Street who literally take your money, hide it, and pay themselves overseas in ways that cannot be regulated and there are no punishments or fines, also the people responsible for great depression and the stock market crash so people cannot afford their homes and all they invested in with their own wages for their retirement 401k has been stolen.. they're pushing to privatize social security as well so that you don't ever see any of that money either),
*Health care (pharmaceutical companies with a goal to have every man, woman, and child on their products; nothing in their mission statement about healing, and they write laws, it's ok for them to kill people without punishment, and they write the school books.. the prices of health insurance,now required is sky rocketed and the services have plumeted as well as taking away free choice of what services you want.. you have to pay big money to be forced to take vaccines and pills they intend for you to depend on without a cure. There is a lot of money in death and cancer),
*Money- 40 people in this country own over 80% of its wealth.
(Bush, Clinton, and Trump have all given more exemptions and tax cuts for then and higher taxes for everyone else, with the media spinning and deceiving about the facts of how it actually plays out in the American People's lives)
*Media- These same people also own every media outlet in the country. There are only 6 companies which dwindled from free press of the 50s where reporters actually investigated and demanded the Truth and outed the scheming. What does that mean? They make sure you only see what they want you to see.
*Prison and free labor.. yeah prisoners are forced to make your cheap clothing and peel your garlic with their nasty dirty fingers whose nails have fallen off. Ever wonder why the evil people don't actually go to jail and others are in the system for miniscule and harmless things? Rapists get a month. Child molester rarely get caught. Human trafficking- the girls get arrested and punished if anything.
We have to do a major reform and be a part of it. I don't have a plan. But I think everyone needs to open their eyes and stop being fooled.
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