Friday, December 14, 2018

A life worth living

What if we had and lived our lives from the standpoint of being so grateful, fulfilled, satisfied, in joy, in Grace, anointed, inspired, aligned, and in love with the fact that we have life force energy embodied in our human body?! That we simply love and feel enriched by, and are grateful for EVERY MOMENT of Life Force energy that we have, embodied in the here and now?! Lord, help us choose to embrace, uplift, and support that life force energy without feeling that we need a point, a purpose, a relationship, a child, a more money, a dream come true, or any other circumstance/ condition in order to feel that absolute love for life being embodied here and now in us.
How would that feel today? How would that impact the rest of your life?

One thought like this can change the chemistry and pathways of your brain. Would you let it now?

What if existing in existence was enough to feel satisfied, filled with God's good for you, fulfilled, ignited, in love, and aligned?

 What if existing in existence on Earth was enough to feel satisfied, filled with God's good for you, fulfilled, ignited, in love, and aligned with God on Earth?

Let us welcome all of the Good God has for us individually in the greatest and highest way without holding on to it as it flows naturally in and out and back in and back out. Let us go without blocks or resistance to receiving it. Thank you God!

Let us feel that our lives are worth living without any need for specific definition or outcomes. Thank you God!