Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Right ain't right without limits

  • *warning, it is not meant to be completely  comprehensible and is ok if this is over your head.. for the deepest clearings, that is desirable! 

What if you didn't try to have an answer to any of these questions and just kept reading through them?

Can you ever be right about something that's better than now?

Does expansion and ascension mean that there is opportunity for better in every moment and unable to be grasped into one form?

Can you ever be right about what is beyond your current control?

Can you ever really control what you want other than by limiting yourself from having it?

Do you enjoy not having what you want because then it means you were right?

Can you ever be right about the unknown?

Would you rather be right or have the most phenomenal joyful life possible?

And if the most joyful and phenomenal life possible is not happening in your current reality does that mean your phenomenal life of everything you love and desire is in the unknown.. not your current place of perceiving and receiving?

The most joyful and phenomenal life possible is answering all of your prayers and desires which is Beyond what you are currently knowing?

So can you really ever be right about having a phenomenal and joyful life and what that is for you?

Or are you only right if you say you can't have it and limit yourself to the not having?

Can you ever really be right about the answers to your prayers?

Will all of the TRUE answers to your prayers and questions come from you or the Divine?

Will the Divine be able to reach you whenever you are sure that you know so therefore have no reason to be open to new possibilities and answers?

Will the Divine be able to reach you when you have arms wide open and a mind clear of judgment and perception of how it should or will be?

So, shall we let go of any need or desire to ever be right again?

And allow the Divine/ The All That Is to answer our prayers and questions FOR us?

All this brings up for you are you willing to uncreate and destroy times a Godzillion?
Right, wrong, good, bad, POD, POC, All 9's, SHORTS, BOYS, and BEYONDS!
And so it is! It is done. Thank you God!

One of my best friends always told me that she gets so much benefit out of healing when I use my hands.. 

Did you know you could feel my hands on your head, holding space for the synapses in your brain to discharge limiting, lying, contracting thoughts, feelings, and emotions? Allowing you to clear unwanted trauma and perspectives. 

How does this affect you? Well the worst case scenario it feels like you had a great massage, best case scenario, your whole life changes! 

It is possible to feel and experience the touch of my hands even through a phone session. Wow, we are so connected! 

What would it take for you to allow yourself to be more yourself without defining yourself as a limited version of you? 

Would it be a contribution for you to allow me to  facilitate this whether it be on the phone or in person? 
Contact me to get your BARS run!
Let's raise consciousness 1 session at a time

Monday, November 20, 2017

new age healers cults brainwashing

In regards to healers and new age spiritual teachers, I can only speak for myself, my experience, and my intentions.

Healing is a personal journey.
When I was little I was sick allof the time. Asmtha, bronchitis, sprained ankles.. and so on.

So much that at age 6 or 7 years old, I told the doctor I had bronchitis when I walked into the office. One day, I thought to myself.. I'm not going to be sick anymore and I never did again.

Once I had decided, I was the healthiest I had ever been without any sickness for at least 6 years until I got a cold.

That is why in my spiritual guidance sessions I encourage realising choice and making up one's mine to what they actually want and to know that whatever benefit they are getting from their undesirable circumstance, can also be met in a more desirable way. Possibly even without illness or pain.

Jesus said in regard to his healings and teachings, go forth and heal! These things you shall do and even greater works!

He set the stage of possibility and direct connection to God.

So why do we have healers and spiritual teachers?

It isnt a one time quick fix take your miracle and life is perfect without conflict ever again, kind of thing. In fact we have to let go of all need for a specific outcome or cure and allowing God to take you to exactly where you need to be, and into faith.

We are all in this life together to express aspects of God as physical expression. We also need each other to survive.
 We are community/ pack oriented/ social beings that rely on each other to give us a new understanding of what is possible.

I do specifically intend to help people shift their consciousness, their thoughts,  and paradigms in order to enjoy life more fully and experience whatever they perceive they want. But my true and ultimate Goal in healing sessions is not a specific outcome of a specific miracle to rid anyone of anything, But to immerse myself and the other in the presence of God as strongly as possible, and from where we are, remove those blocks to that Holy and Divine, pure, yet indescribable essence and presence the True Source within us.. Which is a personal and individual expression.

I love my work so much because it is natural and feels right for me. I also get to witness the most beautiful inner workings and subtleties of Unconditional Love expressing itself uniquely for that person.

As a facilitator with the intention of bringing people back to their source, I have no desire to make anyone believe, do, or feel that which they do not want themselves. In fact, what I tap into is from their consciousness anyways!

I think what makes something the idea of a cult is that they do not want people to be an individual or have choice. They even impact force, dominance, and manipulation to keep people doing their will rather than the Will of the Divine within the individual (which looks different for everyone.)

I write this because I enjoy watching Abraham Hicks to put my energy into a positive mode of trust and faith that all is well and getting better all of the time.
I typed in the name on Google and saw some slander about how it is brainwashing and a cult and so is one of my other favorite teachers- Eckhart Tolle. I read every word with an open mind to allow myself to consider their truth and see if it were true for me. It wasn't and it felt the purpose and intention of spirituality, energy healing, and these teachers was misconstrued.

The purpose isn't to place blame or guilt for the tragedies that happen or even say that we can avoid or change the tragedies entirely but to surrender to them and feel faith in the good anyways. because if we don't believe something good is possible due to our circumstances we are completely of the world rather than in it... allowing the world to dictate us rather than our spiritual truth. Once we acknowledge there is a good/ God presence in all things it has the opportunity to arise. If the only goal is to remove or take away something, in that resistance and focus on the bad, you give it more power in existence and to take away your Peace.

But if you can have Peace even with the thing that you don't want, it can no longer hurt you. Isn't that the real goal?

Well, that's my perception anyways.

Love surrounds you,
Kristen Tenpenny
Proud to be an imperfect human integrated with the perfectly divine potential. Goodness Spiritual channel.
 Thank you God!

I want you to make me feel loved and secure

Anytime we think we need to get something from someone or something (money, pets, job) or place else like love, care, assurance, safety, protection, Faith, understanding, respect, they will never fulfill it for us. It is for us and our higher power within us to do. We will never fill their needs for them either because our will for someone or something else is not freedom. And it goes against the laws of the universe.

You may want someone else to make you feel better but they never will. Everything you are wanting has to come from within you. You have to want it, have it, and give it to yourself. Others will then reflect and amplify that but they cannot be the source of it.

May I command that we be able to understand, feel and be grounded in and rooted in our absolute highest truth and know what we need and want from ourselves at all times and that when we are confronted by external people places or things and they put their will for us on us and what they want from us we hold space with compassion love and boundaries that they can and will give themselves what they think they want and need from us. Without losing sight of what we are moving toward for our own lives in our own expression of our highest consciousness.

Also that any people places or things that hinder our ability to give ourselves what we want and need to be removed out of our lives with Grace, ease and quickness without pain, remorse or guilt. But that we welcome people, places and things that enhance and amplify the beauty that we want and give ourselves such as dependability, stability, Assurance, creativity, highest Vision, inspiration, faith, wisdom, understanding, peace, order, love, care, compassion, cleanliness, respect and that our surroundings in the people with us Amplified strength in that and reflect that for us but we know that we are the original source of that we want in and for our lives.

Money is not the Cure or the solution or the source. But instead it is a symptom of alignment with knowing who we are what we want and commanding it from ourselves and perceiving and receiving it from our environment as well. Any Consciousness that is within us that is unable, or unwilling, to perceive be do feel experience this all on all levels of consciousness Be uncreated and destroyed in you now.

Love surrounds you,
Kristen Tenpenny

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Meditation can be fun..!?? Yes!

Meditation is the practice of being fully present to the now moment. In the now moment we find so much freedom from holding on to the past longer than necessary and worrying about the future which may not even arrive, and most definitely not in the way we think!

In meditation we are able to feel deeply, and tap into all of our senses as we explore our surrounding while also realizing thoughts, habits, patterns, and addictions need not have any hold over us! We can choose to follow the pull of a thought or pattern rather than following it blindly as if that is Who we Are. We are actually much more simple and pure than our thinking allows for us to see..

It is a practice. And what I speak of is elusive unless it is practiced by You!

So I am here to tell you, as a reiki master, energy healer, meditation teacher, and so on.. out abilities to meditate, heal ourselves and each other, and be fully present are the same! Connecting with Life, Love, and fullness is our nature!

Although, having a focused time and intention for yourself to connect to God/Holy Spirit/ your pure soul is perfect.. and so loving for you. It doesn't HAVE to look like crossing your legs and closing your eyes.. meditation is being mindful and aware in as many given moments as you have.

Feel how good it feels to eat an orange without thinking about the next bite, but savoring every smell, taste, burst of liquid.. meditation can be to savor your life.

And it is so much easier than you think! Breathe. Walk. Smell. Be here now. Again and again. Just be here now.

I am sending you so much love and hope to connect via phone one on one sessions, workshops, or meditation retreats!

Love surrounds you,
Kristen Tenpenny

Website and graphic art done by:

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Guardian Angels

Although I know Truth and Beliefs can be subjective and is a very personal/evolving  journey, I really enjoy believing in Angels and Higher Spiritual Guides. Many years ago before I was confident in my spiritual gifts and ability to connect for myself I asked for clarity about Who my guardian angel is from a trusted clairvoyant Ty Gayton.. she asked me to close my eyes as she saw Jesus surrounding and guiding me. They helped me to see an image of a blue winged creature. At first I thought it was a blue butterfly but I never saw a blue butterfly come to me in my waking. Suddenly when I was feeding a baby I was nannying I saw a blue bird land right beside the glass door and gaze at me. I felt a rush of sensation (warmth, tingling and overwhleming clarity and comfort) and my heart opening. I felt like the way people describe dying and getting memories flash in an instant before them.. but it was the hundreds of times I've been walking alone and saw a blue bird land beside me and said, "Hi blue bird!" In that moment I knew my guardian angel has been with me every step of my way, through everything and most easily appears to me through a blue bird! Overwhelmed with gratitude and connection I always known am on the right path and am protected and guided when I see a blue bird. And of course! I say Hi. :)

I tell you this, because I had a beautiful experience on one of my most recent phone sessions. I asked that both mine and the person having the session with, for our guides and angels to be with us during the session. I was sitting in a vehicle outside and so was she, as we went through the profound healings they had for her.

One impactful moment after I had seen many blue birds fly right in front of the windshield, I saw a cardinal do the same, then I looked in my Sideview mirror and saw a bright red cardinal looking at me through the mirror as it flew directly toward the mirror and it's reflection intensely gazed at me while flying. I was  flabbergasted and it flew to and landed on the nearest branch to me in the tree I was parked right next to. It looked at me in the eyes for a whole longer, now perched as it most definitely got my attention! While it flew by I felt a wind flutter in my left ear even though my window was up. It got it's message in! Next, I told her what happened and asked her if Cardinals were one of her guides and she joyously said Yes! That the most amazing things and miracles happen when they come to her.. and in the moment she revealed she was parked outside of the water and just saw a Dolphin!
Many of these things can be missed but I have so many stories like this and they deeply touch and move me to surrender, awe, and gratitude.

I encourage you to ask God, your higher self, the Universe to reveal your beloved guardian angel and allow yourself to be open to seeing what you may have been missing all of your life.

Love surrounds you,
Kristen Tenpenny

Client urgency

It's a Divine day to rest! I pray that you soak in every thing you need for a restful, yet joyful existence today and all days after!

 I had a client call me to tell me he urgently needed a session and I was the one he needed. He has been diving into all things energy and spiritual for well over 30 years so I was quite taken aback. Then he proceeded to tell me that he works with his Natropathic Doctor who is his cousin every week on his health and she told him that she couldn't believe the transformation she saw in him after one hour session with me. She said, "Kristen Tenpenny is truly amazing, you need to go back to her, you NEED to get another session!"

I've never even met this woman, so I was pretty shocked to hear this kind of statement. She noticed the huge changes and shifts from within him right after our session and is lucky enough to see him every week to know that it was significant.

So with that said, he is getting me to go to St. Pete area today to give him a one on one ans offer mini sessions for people to try at his place around 5pm-8pm.
Let me know if you'd like to try it out!

I feel absolutely honored and excited that people who have been in my field for so long and experienced so many people and ways of healing notice a drastic and permanent change in the healing energy offered by coming to my healing.
I know that when people come to me, they are really ready to change, heal, and let go of some things that have been holding themy back. So it's not me, it's then being ready for the energy I hold for them. ;)

With that said, do I have permission to download in you that you know how to feel ready and strong enough for Divine transformation. And to let go of anything less than Pure Love without conditions in the greatest and highest time ans way without feeling overwhelmed or through pain, but with grace, ease, and joy? :)

Love surrounds you,
Kristen Tenpenny

Twin Flames Out

Sparks fly,
Heat ignites,
and kundlini's rise.
It was a perfect reaction for a heart expansion.
Which led to mutiple heart breaks.
All in the name of twin flames.

My experience took me through a series of belief systems that are running rampant in the spiritual community and out of the other side. My perception now is one of self respect, self empowerment, and freedom.
I wouldn't trade what I went through to be where I am- even if it was earth shattering in many ways.
At times it felt like my spirit was going to explode out of my body; like I was going to die.
Other times I felt like my mind was being exposed and layers were being ripped off joyfully by storms who didn't care that I could feel it.
To where I am, what I had perceived about God, life, and destiny was exposed and dissolved..

So maybe I can pass some of these love-learned lessons on to you?

After the most physically painful 6 months of my life: the ending of a toxic, family-pattern-repeating, I need to save and heal her, codependent relationship the term "twin flame" came up on my news feed as if Divinely placed. At first I thought she must've been my twin flame and we were going to heal and get back together. I guess false hope was better than none! Then a random meeting of a mystical self proclaimed healer of twin flames told me about false flames. I read about it, and it seemed very accurate of what I had experienced. Being drained, having fights started that didn't make sense to me and came out of nowhere just to trigger me and then exhaust me, an energy vampire who pretended to be everything I thought I wanted, but really had no clue who they were, and needed to trigger and take my energy to live off of it, and then put on the charm, false mask, and promises in order to reel me back in.

So if I had a false flame, then I must have a real flame out there!?

This sent my eyes and heart on a hunt for the next 3 years.. (well after I decided I didn't want to be with anyone at all ever again for the first year).

Then after so many visions of my life with a partner, and me doing energy healing on myself to remove all blocks to being ok with being in a relationship again.. I met her.

Someone with similar eyes and coloring, similar name, and everything I wrote down on my list of who I wanted to be with. My definition of my perfect partner. We came together like magnets. Felt so at home and like we'd been here before. I was able to be myself around her: laughing and joking. It was perfect. We even got engaged in 2 months! But that's when she ran. It was too bright, too fast, too much.

I was in shock. How could anyone move away from this kind of unique love? A love that was destined!? We HAD to be together! (I thought). We had to heal the world together! (I thought).

Then as I read more and more about the twin flame phenomenon that is all over the Internet and making many people fortunes... I was convinced we'd get back together. So I transmuted my fears and pains to love and sent it to her. She would call and text that she could feel me. I would smile- accomplished.

It took 2 months and major reluctance on her part- but we got back together. And engaged again. People (strangers) would come up to us thanking us for being together in a sacred union. They even took our picture to show others proof of what love could be like! They didn't know the darkness we faced after every high. The fear and running she would encounter every time we would plan for our future or commitment. It would tear my heart to pieces when she would say things like "love isn't all that matters". Almost to break apart the foundations of my Soul's definition. Yet, it was not a darkness of sickness and like the relationship I was in before. This was much more authentic and we did Love each other. Once, I experienced a heart orgasm and complete ecstacy in my body and soul.

About four months later she broke up with me again and left me without a home after I had just spent so much time and energy cleaning her apartment after we decided to move in together. After I went with her on a 3 month tour with her music and friend's wedding being her roadie. And after I left my job, home, and eberuthing I knew expecting for her to be my life now. I didn't have a stable job. And now, after having convinced myself that even though there were many times I didn't feel I should put up with her fickle flame, I thought I HAVE to be with her- she is my twin flame. I depended my future on the fact that she was this person who completed a picture I was destined to fulfil. How much power I gave her!

I realized after time, we had a karmic tie and a soul remembrance that we took as meaning we were meant to be. Really, we felt comfortable and looked alike because we'd had lives together in the past- as sisters! 

After having everything stripped from me in my life with suddenly no direction to face and a wide open world, all alone. I was bare, naked, and vulnerable with nothing and no one. I was empty. Yet, I wasn't as scared or in pain as it'd make sense to be.

I allowed the profound to take over. I felt the strength of my faith and connection to God that I had built be the only thing left under my feet, and it was enough. And although I had no money, home, job, direction, plan, or partner, I knew, just as I always was, I would be ok and taken care of.

I moved slowly and knew I needed to heal. It wasn't even her that I missed- we had great moments but she was pretty absent, even when we were beside each other. But I knew, if I loved myself at all, I needed to move on and never look back. I guess a deeper part of me knew she would come back to me (a year later, around our proposed wedding date- she did a bit of pleaing and saying she knew we were twin flames), and all of my friends who knew her asked what if she wants you back? I said: "no way!"

So, how could I  choose me over destiny? To be treated and loved the way I feel in the presence of the Holy Spirit? To go without being put the the ringer?
Well I realized we are co-creators. I wanted a twin flame, an other half, a destiny, a purpose so bad, I created & attracted what would fit into making that. Although, my beliefs were flawed and my power put outside of me- so I attracted a bit of a mess. I learned that we always have choice. I learned that it is only us who can choose what makes us feel good and connected to Source at all times and no one can ever give or do that for us. I learned I would only be with someone who wanted to be with me and appreciated me as much as I of them. I learned that there is no fate or destiny- only a projection of the most likely outcome due to what you have created so far and the direction you are pointing in now, but free will always has agency to change it (thank God)! I learned that I deserve to be loved and given back to as much as I Love and give. I learned what is Truly compatible and harmonious for me. I learned that although I may have a great idea of what I would like and what would make me happy- it is limited- and to surrender to a feeling I want to have rather than being fixed on certain aspects I think would bring those feelings. I learned True freedom and felt the embrace of nothingness surround me. That no matter what happens: I am well. This feeling no one outside of me could ever manipulate. It is mine. The greatest gift.

With all of these incredible shifts and insights, I felt I needed to know if there was anything that kept me from 100% moving on from her, what would it be?
1.) Would I ever feel a soul connection and the energy movement in my body again with someone else and love them so fully? Only with someone more loving and compatible with me?
2.) Would I be able to have the Soul of the child who followed us around and kept me from leaving her so many times if I chose, in the future with someone else?

I got very quick and clear resounding YES's!

So I envisioned myself jumping over a fence and leaving her on the other side being welcomed by overwhelming feelings of REAL Love.

Very soon after, I met someone who showed me that I can have someone who enjoys and wants to give to me and take care with me. I enjoyed that and it was the first time I'd had that. Then shortly after I met someone who I felt a dynamic draw to, that we ended up taking on the phone for at least 3 hours a day when we weren't together. So compatible in our beliefs and interests! A really great friendship feeling still with the heat and kundalini experience. Proving it is me (my openness) that allows my expansion and experience (not another and not a "twin flame"). Although some people thought she and I also looked like twins ;p

I was gathering experiences of what things I enjoyed and what things I still needed.
I learned I needed someone who could love me in my full power and light as a healer, but also love me in my humanness, my hangry, overstimulated, need a timeout moments. Someone who could hold space for me too and see when my fear about them was just fear without taking it personal. To see me to the other side.

So, in the end, there is no end. No "one" I  can't decide again. And no pre-destined journey all laid out for me. There's just my own learning of me and evolution of how I integrate more and more love and joy into my being and life. The most important relationship- my true twin flame- is all sides of me. I'm the only one I take with me when I leave this sweet and savory planet.

I appreciate, love, and honor every soul I pass. I love myself the same. This body I look down upon with the eyes of this consciousness, is who I am responsible for empowering, and making sure is vibrating and experiencing Love! Now, I get to enjoy my current friends, family, and love partner out of freedom- choice- and a true liking of who each other is and what we bring to each others life- without obligation. Life is so good. (Oh, and the one who I am with now- which I choose- and I actually LIKE as a person (regardless of us being together) has given me countless heart orgasms and expansion in all of my chakras) ;)

My advice to all of you: Don't be fooled to thinking there's someone you have to be with or is more significant for you there yourself. Don't get caught up in bringing your "twin flame" back to you. Love yourself enough to find someone who wants you here and now. All we have is now. So find a way to be in love with life now, as often as possible! And please realize you do not another (you are whole with nothing missing) to have that! Then a sweet, loving, passionate, and satisfying love can naturally enter your life because that's just who you have become on your own! :)

Love abounds!

Love surrounds you,
Kristen Tenpenny